The Problem

# Establishing Role Consistency For Organizational Equity

A healthcare technology company was experiencing rapid growth, leading to a proliferation of titles and roles without a consistent basis for aligning job families, role expectations, and market compensation. This resulted in a lack of clarity and equity across the organization's job levels, titles, and pay ranges. The company sought Propeller’s help to establish a structured job architecture framework informed by an organizational assessment and an understanding of 75 functional roles that would provide the foundation to build equitable and transparent hiring, selection, pay, promotion, and performance management processes.

Man sits while two female colleagues stand around him while they all look at a laptop on a desk.
Diverse designers discussing a project together during an office meeting

Our Approach

# A Data-Informed Job Architecture For Growth

To begin, Propeller conducted a deep dive into existing job functions and role data. We interviewed key stakeholders to understand the 75 distinct roles, map them to best practice benchmark data and job descriptions, and identify career paths for each role to support the organization’s future growth. With the job architecture in place, the team then defined the competencies required for each role and level. With this data, the team conducted a series of analyses and facilitated executive conversations to adjust role levels, titles, and compensation to create consistent and equitable practices across the organization.

# Services Provided

  • People Strategy
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Job Architecture
  • Role Mapping + Leveling
  • Competency Assessment
  • Pay Parity Analysis

Value Delivered

# Flexible and Fair Performance Management Processes

The Propeller team quickly synthesized a significant amount of quantitative and qualitative data into a job architecture framework that reflected the organization's current state and was flexible to scale with its growth. The framework laid the foundation for building fair, consistent, and informed hiring, promotion, pay, and performance management processes.