The Problem

# Transitioning to a Product-Centric Organization

Previously, a healthcare data company primarily generated revenue by processing and selling data for commercial and research purposes. However, they recognized the need to expand their customer base and sought to become a product-centric organization. To achieve this goal, they hired a Chief Product Officer who implemented a product development lifecycle process that integrated ideation, validation, and development teams. Due to the magnitude of the change, the CPO needed Propeller’s support to develop and document a change strategy and provide coaching for the teams involved.

Business women discussing their ideas using sticky notes
Employees at conference table workers collaborate in discussion and meeting with sticky notes on glass wall

Our Approach

# Creating a Product Lifecycle Maturity Model and Workflow Maps

To better understand the challenges faced by executives and team leaders in their current state, Propeller conducted over 20 stakeholder interviews and led workshops. Using the insights gained from these interviews, Propeller developed a product development lifecycle maturity model, a communication plan, and workflow process maps to aid the implementation of these new processes. Working closely with the product group, we created new tools and processes that supported faster, cross-functional Agile development methodologies. Propeller consultants also served as Change Coaches, helping to instill processes and mindsets to sustain ongoing change within the established maturity model.

# Services Provided

  • Actionable Recommendations
  • Process & Work Capabilities Mapping
  • Change & Project Management
  • Change Management Strategy
  • Knowledge Management

Value Delivered

# Successful Product Launches with Improved Metrics

By the end of the engagement, three product teams were formed and actively working through the new product development lifecycle phases on several products. These products have now successfully gone to market. In the first two months, the team has improved 29% in phase delivery estimates, a key metric for board members. The Propeller team helped the organization achieve a higher level of maturity and provided clear guidance on continuing the process. Additionally, detailed documentation for each lifecycle phase was provided to support growth and future onboarding within the product team and across the organization.


Improvement in Phase Delivery Estimates


New Product Teams Formed