The often-used refrain that “change is constant” no longer reflects the current state of the market. While constant state is like a slow but manageable drip from a faucet, change today can more accurately be described as a raging river—unpredictable and often out of control.

Research and survey data substantiate this shift from a change drip to a change stream. Gartner research shows that the number of enterprise change activities increased 5x between 2016 and 2022. In a separate Gartner survey, 77% of HR (Human Resource) leaders now say their employees are feeling fatigued, and 82% of HR leaders say their managers are not equipped to lead change.

But change is going nowhere. Digital transformation continues to play a leading role in corporate initiatives, which means there is an increasing need to align people and processes and to enable integration and collaboration between growing silos.

Although most organizations today have some change management processes in place, few have assessed how effective these functions are. With the volume of change today exponentially greater than in the past, it is imperative to understand how mature your organization is when it comes to navigating change.

Read the full article on HR Daily Advisor to learn how to assess and improve organizational change readiness.