The author Junot Díaz once said that “colleagues are a wonderful thing – but mentors, that’s where the real work gets done.” Mentorship has the potential to benefit both parties significantly – the mentor is given the opportunity to reflect on his or her own career path and impart hard-learned wisdom on the mentee, who in turn can use these lessons as guideposts for his or her own career. In the spirit of mentorship and self-reflection, we asked Propeller consultants what advice they would give to their own younger selves at the beginning of their career.

“Enjoy the journey. I often felt like my career should be building to something, rather than just enjoying each step of my career for what it was. Also, I didn't discover coffee until I was 28. That's entirely too long.” – Corey White, Consultant

“The path forward does not have to be a straight line. Enjoy the detours, you never know where they will lead you.” – Amy Weeden, Managing Partner + Co-Founder

“Be fearless. Don't get too caught up in what others will think. Just do what's right for you. Be brave. Give your honest opinions, even if they are unpopular. People appreciate honesty when it is delivered in a caring manner.” – Kerri Evans, Consultant

“Allow the crazy to exist around you and focus on doing well those things that you can control and are passionate about. Everything you are experiencing now will make you better in the future. Just stay focused. This confusion is part of the crucible in which your talents will be forged.” – Casandra Jensen, Propeller Alumna

“Everything is relevant, pay attention. Collecting information and knowledge creates that many more memory anchors to link new insights.” – Josh Mathis, Consultant

“Focus on rewarding work and trust that a career will emerge. Build a healthy workplace and continually challenge yourself. That combination will result in rich experiences and fundamental lessons that will lead you along your career. Friends and mentors are frequently found in unlikely places.” – Heather McFarland, Propeller Alumna

"Don't try to make yourself fit into someone else's idea of what a successful (insert title, role, or career here) looks like. You'll do your best work and be happiest when you are authentic. Spend more time trying to find a place that accepts you as you are and less time trying to fit the mold that you think is going to be successful." – Skye Lee, Propeller Alumnus

"Look for work that aligns with what you want to learn or do, rather than what you know or have done. This will help you grow your career and experience with intention, which will make you happier. And it will highlight your curiosity and drive, which will make you more attractive to employers." – Carl Terranova, Consultant

"Take on more projects and roles that will test your abilities and stretch your comfort zone. It's ok to fail. Also, seek out a mentor to help guide you." – Bobby Kosh, Propeller Alumnus

"Think big, follow your heart, and live every moment." – Robert Vizza, Propeller Alumnus